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Graduation Movie on which worked Mélanie Lopez, Simon Boucly, Alice Jaunet, Chan Stéphie Peang, Béatrice Viguier and Marie Ciesielski. We had around 1 year to make a 6' movie. I was mostly in charge of the characters modeling, set textures, pipeline and maya rendering. 

A short promotional movie for the Arras Matsuri Festival I did completly. Original designs from l'Atelier Sentô, original idea from Cap Nord Arras.

See more on the facebook page, on vimeo.

A short 1min movie I did during my 4th year at Supinfocom. All about what you can do when something that is beyond your nightmares happens. See the making of on my vimeo.

A 1min movie made with Elise Simoulin, Vincent Labis, Thibault Grunenberger, Alice Lepoutre and Alice Jaunet. I was mostly in charge of the pipeline production, planning management, character modeling, set dressing, lighting and rendering.

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